Dear Senator Sanders,
Thank you for defending all the woking people . I have always voted for you and have written to you many times before. You already know this..butt i want you to know people did not vote for this health care bill. The GOP and Trump is not representing us. They are arrogant and self serving. They are strong arming the public to pad their buddies bank accounts.
Please try to explain to the Senate and House and the President that we have a huge problem facing us. HIV will be on the rise. It has really only just started. The amount of people escaping reality by using hard drugs is incomprehensible. This became bad when all the jobs went over seas. Now it is worse because of the 2008 global economic collapse caused by the big banks.
We have an opiate and heroine problem that is out of control. What to do about it? Don't let them cut medicare to States. It is only going to get worse . It has not become better. It will take time and the people need treatment and facilities and a safety net to get off heroine and pills. If the States do not get funding to create and build more clinics and help the people that are addicted., there is going to be a huge increase in HIV and Hep C! ..that is going to cost more money and people are going to die .
WE just got a hold on the HIV epidemic, less deaths due to medicine.$ 1,200 a month medicine! This drug crisis really took off when people had no jobs to go to when the Great recession started. In the last 10 years it became worse and worse. It is not better a all. Unless our people can work and put a basic modest , simple roof over their heads and not be in debit to their eyeballs, there will be more drug use as a way to escape being depressed about no career or job goal.
People are overdosing in their cars all over the US! Again, People are overdosing in their cars all over the US!
Who ever though this would happen? When has this EVER happened before? Taking medicaid away and raising insurance rates and deductibles for people that work a regular $30,000 a year job is going to be the down fall of the economy again and more will use drugs. There will be terrible crime and riots. What the heck are the people in DC thinking? Are they so removed and sheltered from what is happening?
Who ever thought that this would be? Why is the House and the Senate ignoring this? Little children are witnessing drugged up and overdosing people in their neighborhoods and on TV news. This is not ok. Rural America did not have this shoved in their faces until now. Before , this kind of drug use was mostly in the big cities. WE can't let a new generation be born and grow up seeing this devastation in every pocket of America and watching our government doing nothing about it.
Don't the politicians want a good stable healthy country? Do they? I have been hIV+ for over 30 years. I had a lot of boyfriends in the late 1970;s and early 1980's. The first wave and beginning of hIV. I would not wish this on anyone. Thank you for Vermont Medicaid. It saved me. My son is negative and he just passed his national certification to become an EMT . I strongly believe that without Medicaid we will see a big increase in HIV.. people do not care, they know how it is transmitted and they do not care ! that is depression and drugs.. We need more mental health, more jobs, more out reach not less. Duh! How is it the jerks in DC are doing the opposite. crazy!
What about Zika and other diseases that are coming. The antibiotic resistant pathogens are just beginning to rear their ugly heads. Taking away medicaid, not having single payer is going to be devastating to our country. We can't keep increasing the human population on the planet and not have jobs and economies that can create healthy communities where people are clean and fed and happy and not seeking escapism via drug use and crime. What kind of world will our grand children have? Why do the world leaders ignore this.?
Any bill that takes away federal funding to States for medicaid and services for poor people is horrendous! any bill that raises premium rates for the young and middle aged working people who are just recovering from the Recession. is a slap in the face to humanity. We already are being charged too much in every part of life. Rent, mortgage, taxes, insurance, interest rates, credit cards, fees, surcharges, cable, elect, prescriptions. What do they want people to do? Give up? Go to their graves with $90,000 debit and leave nothing to their families after working and paying taxes and fees all their lives? I will stand by you and volunteer if you run for President again.
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