Monday, October 24, 2016


Portable Shed Assembly

Recently I helped a woman put up a portable shed.
Well,  turned out mostly by myself and it was pretty hard.
First I sorted and layed out the poles. Read the instructions.
I was able to get them all bolted together the first day, then returned the next day to put up the tarp cover on.  She helped with this part.

We had unseasonably hot weather and it took a lot longer to put up than I thought.
The instructions were all pictographs and having never assembled one of these before it took more time than necessary, due to the fact their were no actual written instructions.


It was hot and I have very sore fingers from the nuts and bolts and ratchet system.

Soon I hope to stop all this physical labor, get on with playing guitar again.

I love to do physical work.  That's my problem. With my age, I have less stamina. It totally takes all my energy and leaves me where I just have to lay down, try to eat something, take a bath, some  more food and wait for hours until I can  literally move my body again.

What I need to do is spend more time doing work that is mental and not physical, even though I love being active, I have train myself to say no.  I need to learn new things. I need to say no to some physical jobs.  I may know how, I may be able that day or desire the challenge, I need to make a change in my life. Just because we can, sometimes does not mean we have to. 

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